In this step product, owner and development team will plan sprint.


Product Owner Scrum Master Developers Visitors

Sprint planning meeting

Development team meats with the product owner on sprint planning meetings. The product owner shows the team his plan for the first sprint. Product owners chose stories by top importance (priority).

Planning View

Switch to the Planning View by clicking on the corresponding menu item. This view provides access to all product planning activities. Users can based on their role in a project to:

  • manage releases
  • manage sprints
  • assign stories to sprint and to release
  • change details of stories in the Detail window

The view displays two boards. The board displays stories of sprint and release selected from corresponding combo boxes that are near to board.

We prepared Release A and Sprint 1 in the previous steps. We have backlog stories written in our backlog. Now we will plan our first Sprint.

Prepare the view

Let’s display stories unassigned to any sprint:

  • Choose from the combo box on the upper board.
  • Choose Sprint 1 from the combo box on the bottom board
  • Choose Release A from the combo box on the bottom board on the right side

Assign stories into a sprint

Sort backlog stories by Importance. Now you can drag stories from the upper board to the bottom showing the Sprint 1.

Drag stories until the sprint’s occupation indicator will not indicate sprint fullness. This indicator calculates sprint occupation by the sum of stories’ sizes. This sum must be less or equal to the Sprint capacity value entered in the Sprint detail window.

As you can see the capacity of Sprint 1 is set to 5 story points. This is a value upon team agreed. It is maybe too low, but the team is just starting the first sprint and team members don’t know how fast are they able to work.

We can assign only one story to this sprint. It is a story “Protocol selection (priority 60, size 5)”. Drag this story from the upper board and drop it to the bottom board.

You have completed planning for your first sprint now.

It is good to do sprint planning before each sprint. This is a way how to develop your product in an iterative manner.

Task planning

Every team member must specify tasks on which he will be working. He must estimate the duration of every task. The total time of the work will be checked to this duration.

The task can be planned in ScrumDesk in different ways.

  1. Most valuable is Taskboard. Taskboard displays stories and theirs tasks in a Kanban view.
  2. Tasks can be specified in the story card on a page Tasks. Tasks can be added, removed, edited and it is possible to change the order of the task in the story.
  3. The next view where tasks can be managed is Story Detail with Task page.