Clone task

After few years, the agile squad used to find a structure of subtasks that are repeated for every backlog item. ScrumDesk offers the possibility to define story templates in such case, but sometimes quicker action is necessary.

clone task

Clone subtask

Now it is easy to clone a task by one click on Copy icon displayed on a card in the top right corner, or in the side view.

PLAN view

Iteration status

Sometimes agile squads prefer to work in multiple parallel sprints, espaecially when they deliver complex products and they have separate sprint per squad evidenced in the ScrumDesk.

To better distinguish iterations, the status of the iteration is displayed in the list of iterations in PLAN view:

  1. orange text RUNNING
  2. green text COMPLETED
  3. or grey text PLANNING
scrumdesk - iteration status

Iteration status indicator

Easier to add a new backlog item in the PLAN view

New backlog items can be added to the iteration by double-click anywhere on an empty space of the list. That was not very intuitive for multiple customers, so we made that action easily accesible by:

  1. a new + button displayed in the local menu that adds new user story to the selected iteration,
  2. and an option to create new backlog item form the selected template.
scrumdesk - add new item in PLAN

Add new item in PLAN

WORK – more details in the Add task log window

Did you ever need to evidence work log for the other than the current date? Do you used to enter work log comment once the work log is added?

Now you can enter all these information when task is dropped into Done column.  We made you faster by saving of 3 clicks for every subtask.

scrumdesk - add work log

Add work log details

Timesheet improvements

  • Timesheet document is generated from the previous month, not from the project start date.
  • Man-days displayed in the report to addtion of hours.
  • Groupping of timesheet records based on additional attributes, i.e. theme, epic, release, sprint, task type, tags, effort, and kano.
  • Title of tasks is not not truncated.
ScrumDesk - timesheet improvements

Timesheet improvements


  • Backlog item title more visible in details
  • Number of ideas and selected ideas displayed in the Retrospective module