Version 4.0.5 is focused on top critical problems, a few new features, and performance optimization.

We are using .NET 3.5. platform now.

Version 4.0 is not upgrading previous ScrumDesk installations!
You have to uninstall previous versions and install v.4.0.5.

Offline license mode for 29 days

We’ve changed our policy and let users run ScrumDesk in an offline mode not just for 5 days, but for 29 days. You must ScrumDesk let connect to our licensing server at least once per 30 days.

Logic to access licensing server has been simplified to prevent problems.

Note: If you are using a proxy, don’t forget to set credentials in the Login window!

Non-working days

Saturday and Sunday were skipped as non-working days. Based on requests (mostly from Arabic countries) we’ve implemented the possibility to configure which days are non-working days at a project level.

Non-working days are going to be skipped in reports and charts.

Go to Project/Settings/Calendar to configure non-working days.

The operator is changed to a logged team member

To save clicks during interaction with the application, ScrumDesk automatically assigns changed items to logged users. This way you don’t have to care if you’ve updated your name in touched items.

This interaction model is sometimes not usable. If you are using a model when only scrum master (BTW. is this Scrum?) is updating the common taskboard. In this case, Scrum Master should un-check the Re-assign story/task… check box. The scrum master can still assign a story or task to himself in the Detail window.

Change of Effort

ScrumDesk provides validation of the correct usage of Scrum. The effort was allowed to change only before the sprint has been started. Some companies are using different usage models and based on it we’ve been allowed changing effort by scrum master anytime.

Keep Window State

ScrumDesk was starting maximized every time has been started. Since this version, ScrumDesk remembers the size and the last position so you will find it exactly as you closed it.

Release completeness %

The release is currently tracked by the percentage of completeness. The number is calculated  using the formula 
# of completed stories/
# of all release stories.

Product owners have easy access to check this metric on the Reports page.

Color of team member name to indicate a role

Previous version display role under Project name and the name of a logged team member in a tooltip. Now the name of the team member is preferred to be displayed, color indicates its role.

Minor changes

  • SideView
    • The question before the sprint is started – do you want to start sprint and it is estimated? This is prevention to have burndown charts accurate.
    • SideView/Project – buttons Call, Email, Web were not visible sometimes.
  • Reports
    • Project Status Pie chart not updating.
    • Absences are accessible in Reports.
    • Impediments are accessible in Reports.
  • Fixes
    • Filter by Tags not working sometimes
    • Concurrency message – message warning user that someone else has changed story/task was displayed as an error. It is a warning now.
    • An error message box is displayed in case of a connectivity error so the error could be sent to our support.
    • Team member in Login window – renamed User name label in Login window to distinguish it from user name used to connect to database.
    • Filter – Highlight my items was forgetting its setting. Fixed.
    • Performance optimization.