About ScrumDesk


ScrumDesk is Agile product management and online Scrum project management tool for teams using Scrum, or Kanban.  Our aim with ScrumDesk is to provide agile teams the possibility to manage product development from ideas to delivery.

In advance, it helps a team do Scrum correctly.

All Scrum ceremonies are supported:

  1. product backlog grooming,
  2. release planning,
  3. sprint planning & capacity management,
  4. task management and time tracking,
  5. scrum reports like burndown chart, velocity or cumulative flow chart,
  6. retrospectives.

ScrumDesk helps with product management, collaboration and other important aspects of agile product development.

Scrum project management methodology practices like Definition of Done, Definition of ready, estimation with story points and hours, simple metrics and instant online synchronization makes it an ideal tool for small and medium-sized agile teams. Collocated, or distributed.

We understand the power of physical cards for the agile team. Therefore index card is a fundamental principle we apply in all parts of the application.

The tool is everything surrounding your kanban board. Our online project management board looks like physical so users do not lose a  context when even work with both, electronic and physical boards at the same time.

The history

The idea for ScrumDesk has started in 2014. Its predecessor, ScrumDesk Desktop (for Windows)  has been created in 2007 based on our own experience with agile development and consultancy services. After more than 7 years it was clear that product for Windows platform is limited in growing the new world of IT. In those years many things happen in the software industry.

The era of 21st century

We have clouds now, users expect web-based application accessible even from mobile, moreover, we have Internet of Things.

Also, the management techniques have improved as well. Scrum and Agile are no more exotic approaches. They are now de-facto standards in startups, ISV, even in telco, financial, and insurance companies. The large enterprise software and a non-IT world as well.

The agile world has moved as well. It is more clear now what is the role of the Product Owner, how to set up the organization with traditional and agile roles. How to describe, plan and track the agile development of products. What makes sense and what doesn’t. The required speed of delivery has increased dozens, if not hundreds of times. Companies deliver multiple versions during the day, not years! And that’s the speed that the agile teams must sprint in.

What we aim for

During those years we helped more than a hundred teams, 1000+ people to introduce agile principles in real life which were an endless source of ideas for an understanding of needs, pains, and gain these teams expect to solve from the great agile tool.

With ScrumDesk we focus on small or middle-size teams working on one or more projects at the same time. The tool should provide great transparency of the backlog and for the daily job of the team. ScrumDesk is everything around the board. The board is yours, but we designed it to make your agile practices efficient and quick.

Why ScrumDesk?

  • It is the tool that respects the physical board and provides as much as possible in an online form.
  • No other tool on the market leads your scrum masters in an optimization process.
  • Helps product owners understand the backlog and to find out priorities quickly.
  • Team members will be able to self-organize. There is no push on people because of forgotten updates. ScrumDesk tells them about that so they are not ashamed when they forget to update tasks. They will know who has a lot on their shoulders and who doesn’t. They will know how much they are able to finish.
  • It navigates the team on their agile road trip. It has agile coaching tips and included 75+ rules in it.

We do not add features because we can. We add features because you are applying them in real life.

So maybe you will not find them right now, but feel free to send us your idea via email support@scrumdesk.com.

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