In this step product owner and development team are going to plan project sprints.


Product Owner

Creating stories

The target for this step is to create backlog stories.

Product Development
Product Backlog

Stories in scrum are mainly created by the product owners. As a first step let’s log in as product owners.

The product owner is responsible for requirements specification and prioritization.

Choose your project and switch to Product Backlog. The product backlog is a container where anyone can see all stories displayed as story cards.

ScrumDesk is primary a virtual board. User experience very near to a wall with story cards.

Creating new stories

Stories can be created on board in different ways:

  • by clicking on the New menu item
  • by Insert key on your keyboard
  • by double-click on board
  • using a template from the Templates pane displayed by clicking on the arrow below the New menu item.


The story in scrum and ScrumDesk is described by a story card containing the following attributes:

  • Id, (number 5605),  that uniquely identifies the story.
  • Subject, short name of the story.
  • Description, more requirements details.
  • Priority, (number 50), the level of product owner requirement demand.
  • Effort value, the relative size of story in story points. Estimated value can be selected only from a predefined list of values obviously used in the scrum method.
  • Duration is the number of days necessary to finish the story.
  • Operator, the team member responsible for story implementation
  • The state of the story is indicated using the color bar in the left top corner. Clicking the bar you will change the story state. For more details about the state look at Story states.
  • The theme, name of the theme which group stories.

Step – creating stories

Let’s create a new story by Adding a channel.

  1. Double click board.
  2. The new card is created.
  3. Enter the subject: Adding a channel.
  4. Enter the description: As a user, I want to add a new channel
    – by entering the channel URL,
    – using a drag and drop from the web browser.
  5. Enter the importance: 90 This will be the highest priority story. Priority number and range is depending on the Product owner’s decision. The development team must understand this values range.
    ScrumDesk uses number priority as it gives the Product Owner better granularity.
  6. As a theme enter User Interface or UI.
  7. As you are logged as a product owner, you are not able to change Effort nor Duration properties.

Now you can enter other remaining stories. You will enter stories in a Grid view. Click Grid menu item.

Story Categorization

Don’t forget to set the Theme and/or color of the card. This way you can categorize stories into more categories.


You can use story tags available in a story detail window. Stories can be filtered by tags from the SideView.