ScrumDesk for Windows (retired)

ScrumDesk is used by Advanced Electronics Company

We are proud to announce a new reference for our tool: Advanced Electronics Company. AEC is leader in high technology engineering and manufacturing in Saudi Arabia Kingdom. AEC is involved in a number of significant national defense, telecommunication, Civil & Industrial projects and providing its products and service to leading international companies. Advanced Electronics [...]

ScrumDesk for Windows(retired): Step 1 – Create a new project

ScrumDesk for Windows(retired): Step 1 - Create a new project This articles series is an example of how to start using SCRUM in your projects with help provided by ScrumDesk. Our example project will be an RSS Reader, an application that will provide easy access to RSS articles provided by many websites. And we [...]

ScrumDesk for Windows (retired): Team Management

ScrumDesk for Windows (retired): Step 2 - Define a team Who Product Owner Work that needs to be done can be easily distributed in more development teams. ScrumDesk connects teams in one virtually connected social community. This community is notified by the ScrumDesk notification system about any change. Teams can be distributed over the [...]

Step 3: Define user story templates

In Step 3 we will define story templates according to company process requirements. If your process is not requiring precisely defined steps, go directly to Step 4. Who Scrum Master Story Templates Are story templates required? No. But they are great when you have defined the required development process steps. This is the typical [...]

ScrumDesk for Windows (retired): Step 4 – Planning Releases in Agile Project

In this step, the Product Owner and development team will try to plan project releases. Who Product Owner Scrum Master Planning in SCRUM SCRUM is based on development in timeboxes called Sprint. Sprint is the time needed to complete selected stories (features, bugs, requirements, tasks,...). The length of the sprint is typically 30 days, [...]

Step 5: Plan sprints

In this step product owner and development team will try to plan project sprints. Who Product Owner Scrum Master Planning in SCRUM In Step 4 Planning product releases we defined sprint as time box for developers to complete selected stories. Product Development Product Backlog Release A Release B Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 ScrumDesk: Planning [...]

Step 6: Backlog Stories

In this step product owner and development team are going to plan project sprints. Who Product Owner Creating stories The target for this step is to create backlog stories. Product Development Product Backlog Stories in scrum are mainly created by the product owners. As a first step let's log in as product owners. The product [...]

Step 7: Planning Poker®

In this step development team is going to estimate stories. Who Scrum Master Developers Planning Poker® Our backlog contains all known stories which has to be developed for product. Team sits down together around the table and they starts to discuss size of each story. Product Development Product Backlog Every developer will get cards [...]

ScrumDesk for Windows (retired): Step 8 – Sprint planning meeting

In this step product, owner and development team will plan sprint. Who Product Owner Scrum Master Developers Visitors Sprint planning meeting Development team meats with the product owner on sprint planning meetings. The product owner shows the team his plan for the first sprint. Product owners chose stories by top importance (priority). Planning View [...]